Modeling Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable Cities
”A Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable City (CHICS) is one that makes an integrated, integral, systemic and transversal management of its five layers: the people; the basement; the soil; the technological infrastructure; and platforms: Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, building a good city to live, study, work, invest and visit, in a sustainable, creative way and with a high quality of life.” (IBRACHICS, 2018)
To make all this possible, IBRACHICS developed a CHICS Master Plan, which defines its short, medium and long term strategy for each city, and in order to operationalize this Master Plan, we developed a methodology called E2i (Entrepreneurial, Intelligent Governance and Inovative), which organizes management and prepares for the leap into the future.
Modeling Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable Cities
”A Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable City (CHICS) is one that makes an integrated, integral, systemic and transversal management of its five layers: the people; the basement; the soil; the technological infrastructure; and platforms: Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, building a good city to live, study, work, invest and visit, in a sustainable, creative way and with a high quality of life.” (IBRACHICS, 2018)
To make all this possible, IBRACHICS developed a CHICS Master Plan, which defines its short, medium and long term strategy for each city, and in order to operationalize this Master Plan, we developed a methodology called E2i (Entrepreneurial, Intelligent Governance and Inovative), which organizes management and prepares for the leap into the future.
Modeling Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable Cities
”A Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable City (CHICS) is one that makes an integrated, integral, systemic and transversal management of its five layers: the people; the basement; the soil; the technological infrastructure; and platforms: Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, building a good city to live, study, work, invest and visit, in a sustainable, creative way and with a high quality of life.” (IBRACHICS, 2018)
To make all this possible, IBRACHICS developed a CHICS Master Plan, which defines its short, medium and long term strategy for each city, and in order to operationalize this Master Plan, we developed a methodology called E2i (Entrepreneurial, Intelligent Governance and Inovative), which organizes management and prepares for the leap into the future.
Center for Studies and Research
IBRACHICS has a Center for Studies and Research registered in CNPq with the coordination of 16 Doctors and Post Doctors from the main Brazilian universities and the participation of researchers at undergraduate, graduate and master's levels who work on research projects in the most diverse topics that permeate smart cities.
Connection Network: People + Public Sector + Private Sector + Universities
The Brazilian Network of Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable Cities (REDE CHICS) was created in 2013, within the scope of the National Front of Mayors - which brings together the 420 largest Brazilian cities - and at that time it only brought together secretaries and municipal leaders of science, technology and innovation, as well as municipal economic development secretaries.
In 2016, we created the Joint Parliamentary Front in Support of Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable Cities (CHICS), in the National Congress, and we have been discussing since then, the necessary advances in terms of legislation, in order to facilitate the development of cities as CHICS.
In 2017, after a big national growth and with the entry of researchers from the main Brazilian universities, as well as civil society entities, the Brazilian Institute of Human, Smart, Creative and Sustainable Cities (IBRACHICS) was created, which is currently the institution that houses the CHICS NETWORK.
We are part of the National Council of Science and Technology for the President of Brazil and we have also worked with the Federal Government in national policies for the development of humane, smart, creative and sustainable cities. Today we are already more than 400 affiliates throughout Brazil.